Greater Nahigang Republic

Rules and Regulations

Rule Status: Valid


Privacy is one of the most important things that a human ever needs even in Nahgang and hence we have made a policy on it. In nahigang it's requested to be cautious of what you send, Keep any classified information like password, account tokens, personal pictures, and anything you define them as personal info. If you want to send them to a perticular member then it is best suggested to send it in their direct messages or any private and secure method.


NahiGang services are 100% free (unless you are manager of nitro games and website domain), you don't need to pay us even a single penny but we will put few conditions on it if we feel its needed such as Terms Of Use.


If you have any problems with any nahigang members or new additions, please contact one of the trusted members of nahigang about it and say it politely instead of complaining, If you spot any violation of nahigang or discord rules then also contact the trusted members (yes even discord tos and Centry TOS violations as we need to verify its valid). False reports to US or discord (with intent of harm) its strictly pohibited. No taxes are charged here as we are not really into economy yet

Drama and fights

Drama or fighting is not allowed on normal basis as part of our anti-drama movement. Try to keep as peaceful as possible and avoid the misuse and abuse of power. If any trusted member appears to be misusing power due to dramas, the other trusted members have all the rights to take appropriate actions, such as being removed from trusted member rank or even temporary bans but mostly its removal from trusted member rank. You will have good reputation if you keep the chat as peaceful as possible or be less involved in dramas.

File links or sharing

File links or sharing could be done using various methods here from discord file uploading feature to sharing big files through google drive or mediafire. However it is strictly prohibted to share virus, token grabbers, RCE exploits or other malicious code even if its classified as a prank, if you want to share code then you can type on discord and it will automatically convert it into file but if its too big or/and is in multiple files (i.e. example.html, style.css script.js) then you can share using zip files in the above mentioned methods.


Extreme and constant targetted harassment towards any member of nahigang is prohibted, We would only take actions if the harassment is extreme and not just a joke but a targetted harassment. This could be anything from the following list:

Contact and Safety

NahiGang Republic has settlements (meaning groups or chatting area) on Twitter, Instagram and Discord. (The following links will not work unless you are in those settlements). Our main services happen in the capital (discord settlement/group) with stuff like updates and activity in chat. In discord it is recommended to create alt accounts as god knows when your account will be disabled due to reporters. Creating an alternate account impersonating another member is a violation of this section.

Begging and threats

Ranks or other privilages are rightfully earned, avoid begging for things like trusted member rank, nitro or other special privilages in nahigang. Not all of it can be delivered to you. Making threats is also not allowed and we would automatically try to deny any demands like that. If the situation gets out of hand then we have all rights to take appropriate actions. Please do not do the same for changing the system as the same would happen here as mentioned above.

Minecraft Building Policy

Griefing or making any unwanted changes in any Minecraft servers ran by NahiGang member is prohibted (unless the server's purpose is that). A member has full responsibilty and should be ready at all times to answer to any actions that may be taken upon the the member made changes without authorisation from server owner or trusted people.

Web development and access

If you have access to edit the site on github, Do not give access to anyone even if they make demands, always make sure to reach out to trusted members if you encounter those situations. Even if they are your romantic partner, you should not give without asking trusted members. If we see any unnecessary/unwanted entries or/and edits then we have rights to take away your access along with the other person's access. Most sites are secured via login or Cloudflare access, do not abuse any exploits to gain unwanted access.

NahiGang System

Rules and Regulations system could not officially be updated unless its approved by all the trusted members of nahigang. If any member gets into trouble due to violations they committed then even if they say they would change that doesn't mean it officially will, for official rules/regulations/policies update there should be a talk between the trusted members instead of blindly updating because of bias. If new rules/regulations/policies are added then there should also be official announcement about it.

NAHI GANG Official Rules and Guidelines and Policies